Photo Galleries
Club Wars D3 at Crosswind on 15 July 2023
Chosen for Life Ministries Fundraiser
at Jennings Mill Country Club on July 8, 2023
Score for Children Pickleball Fest for Charity
at Jennings Mill Country Club on April 29, 2023
Recent photos from Lay Park Gym
St. Patty’s Day: Lots of green at the gym
Photo by Nelda

Ultimate Pickleball – Advance
January 16, 2021
Ultimate Pickleball – Intermediate
January 13, 2021
Inaugural Ultimate Pickleball Partners
Intermediate Group – November 18, 2020
Club Wars :: 4.5 – 5.0
Chateau Elan – July 2020
I believe I can fly…
Tournament prep for team wars
Open Play at Pickle Park (Southeast Clarke Park)
All courts are filled on Saturday mornings
AAPA at UGA for Senior’s Pickleball Day
and watching UGA vs Texas A&M ladies’ matches
Open Play at Pickle Park
Shot on Craig’s new camera by Craig, Caroline, and Tim
Georgia Golden Olympics Medal Winners

Dr. J (L) and Raymond Brindley are on their way to the Nationals next year! they won Silver at Georgia Golden Olympics on Sept. 27, 2018 in the Men’s Doubles, 75-79 age bracket!

Larry King & Roy Carroll (far right) win silver in the Men’s Doubles 70-75 age bracket.

Jerry Tolbert (L) and Ralph Bakowski (R) are the Gold Medal State Winners in the GRPA Tournament on September 15, 2018 in Griffin, GA.
Congratulations to Ralph and JT and thank you both for representing our club, Athens area pickleball, and District 7.
District 7 GRPA Tournament
Cleveland, GA – August 18-19, 2018

Right: Jerry (JT) Tolbert with his two first place medals. Ralph, Kris and Jerry Represented Athens Area Pickleball with these wonderful wins.
Middle: Kris Bakowski and Jerry (JT) Tolbert won First Place Gold and will represent District 7 in STATE Playoffs in Griffin, GA in September.
Left: Jerry (JT) Tolbert (l) and Ralph Bakowski won First Place Gold and will represent District 7 in STATE Playoffs in Griffin, GA in September.
Fun-raiser for NEGA United Way
Dolly Parten’s Imagination Library
Over $2000 was raised. That means 65 preschool children will get one age-appropriate book a month for the next year. Each book has discussion ideas for the parents to help them read to and interact with their child using the book. Thank you Nelda Van Schoik (and all of your helpers) for putting on this event. Thank you Ralph Bakowski for taking the photos. All photos ©2018 Ralph Bakowski
Your tournament photos/information and other playing photos and can be placed here for all to see.

Athens players are active in tournaments all over the country. This is a photo of Senior Olympic winners this year. LR Stacey Pardue and Janis Perry, Silver Medalist – Women’s Doubles at the Georgia Golden Olympics in Warner Robins; Dr. J (Jerry Brinegar) Gold Medalist at the Arkansas Senior Olympics in Hot Springs, Arkansas; Larry King and Roy Carroll, Silver Medalists – men’s doubles at the Georgia GOGs; Roger Moore and Bob Bostrum, Gold Medalists at the Georgia GOGs. Not pictured is Walt Straus and his partner Bob.

Athens Area Pickleballers

Taping Lines At Satterfield

Dr. J and Bab Manous Gold Medalist Georgia State Games, Kennesaw

Jeff Frehse and Ted Woods Gold at State Games

Brinegar Boys with the gold GGO 2015

Tournament Play Kris Bakowski and Emily Rudow

Nelda Van Schoick and Dr. J Gold Medalists at Georgia State Tournament

Second Annual Pickled Peach Tournament Medal

Georgia State Championships in Kennesaw 2016

Dr J and Ken Calkin at Athens Country Club Introducing Pickleball

GGO Roy Carroll and Larry King Silver Medalists

Walt Straus, Bob Manous, Roger Moore Bronze GGO

Craig and Emily Rudow, Gold Medalists GGO

Jim Freshe and Ted Wood at Kennesaw State Championship Games

Roy Carroll, AAPA President

Jim Congalose returning serve on 90th birthday!

Jim Congalose and Dr. J winning point

Dr. J Oklahoma City Santa Fe Family Life Center

Dr. J presenting Onyx 2 PB to Jim Conglose

Janis Perry, Stacey Pardue, Emily Rudow

Steve and Polly Crumbley win the Gold in the Battle of the Paddles Tournament in Rabun County, Georgia